Development would be a very difficult thing to achieve when two parties are at war. This is a realization that has led to increased campaigns against terror and any acts that lead to destabilization of world peace. FDD is one of the organizations concerned about national security as well as observation of foreign policies. It is mainly focused on ensuring that no nation, group or individual carries out acts of terror on other people or nations. Below are some of the things about the foundation.
One of the most key areas of any terrorist groups is financing. With adequate financing, a terror group can operate in any conditions. The activities of these terror groups can be crippled by exposing their sources of funding and this is because exposure tends to make the donors shy off. The foundation researches on these sources of funding for the terrorist groups. Once the research on the sources of funds for the terrorist groups has been completed, they then strategize on ways of cutting these sources of funds. Example of some of the ways of cutting funds from the terror groups include use of sanctions or preventing the financing and supporting regimes from reaching the groups either through severe surveillance or arrests.
The efforts to ensure that the goals of this foundation are achieved require for a series of things to be done. The use of meetings and seminars are one of the most common things that are used in a bid to ensure that awareness against terror is created. These are held for people that have a stake in the maintenance of peace such as military personnel, diplomats as well as ordinary citizens. Other means of creating awareness such as publication of books and television shows can also be used. More information about Mark Dubowitz the CEO is available here.
Many organizations including the foundation of defense of democracies is giving information to the general public concerning real activities being done in the war against terror.The foundation for defense of democracies is also engaged in other activities such as informing the public about real occurrences of war against terror. One of the biggest projects that the foundation has embarked on since the twin tower bombings is reporting to the public how the war against terrorist groups has been going on in the respective countries.
Rigorous military action was started after the attack on the twin towers which is targeted on the countries supporting terrorists as well as those they are believed to be coming from. An ordinary citizen would in ordinary situations know very little about the battlefield. The foundation was prompted into reporting about these occurrences in the field of battle due to this fact. This enables the citizens to understand the progress being made in the war against terror. Visit this website about terror.